Wednesday 15 June 2016

REVIEW: The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater

It seems fitting to trade an ending for a beginning. In this case, the ending of the Raven Cycle series for the beginning of the blog. Not a fair trade I know ( believe me I would rather these books go on forever), but the series was gonna end anyways so I might as well make the best of it.

Anyways, The Raven Cycle series is absolutely amazing, and if you have not read it yet  you absolutely should- it is not a perfect series ( especially the ending), but it is one of the best I have read in a very long time. The beginning is beautiful, the middle is beautiful, and  the ending is beautiful.

Now on with the spoilers.

So... The ending. Okay, sorry, I just have to get this out of the way before I can focus on anything else. The ending to this book was not satisfying. Is it just me or did the ending seem to happy? Don't get me wrong, no one loves a happy ending more than me, trust me- they save me many tears- but it just didn't match the rest of the series.

I'm glad Gansey didn't die (so, so glad), but one of the reasons I loved the first three books so much was because I didn't know if he actually would die.( Like I know we were promised his death, but when does a YA author actually kill off a character that popular- NEVER, but then there's some pretty out there stuff in this series so maybe ... and on and on and on we go. ) From the start of this book I was sure that Gansey was safe, he seemed to have accepted his doom too well.

Also, did you notice how we have no idea where everyone is going? We know Blue, Gansey, and Henry (who I will get to in a second) are going to travel America, and Adam probably is going to some horribly expensive university, while Ronan fixes the Barns, but I want actual answers. Which fancy school is Adam going to? Can Blue and Gansey now kiss? And, for the love of god, will we ever know how they crashed the Camero?

Okay...that's out of my system...

The end to the search for Glendower was ...confusing. I am not surprised he is dead, but I am a little confused as to what that means for the three sleepers ...prophecy? (was it a prophecy?) Like does it mean that Gwenllian was the sleeper to be woken, or is there another sleeper somewhere... I don't know.

Also, I don't really get the demon. How does it work? Personally, I don't think a demon was the best choice for a villain in the last book because it' s only motive is to unmake, and so we couldn't have hatred for it.

I  feel like all I've really done in this review is bash the book, but honestly, I loved it. Aside from everything mentioned I thought it was great. The characters fun and relatable, the villain terrifying, and the romance... oh, the romance.

So both of my ships sailed and it was absolutely beautiful. Nothing felt rushed or unbelievable about these pairings and I loved how they  remained a group of four ( five?) and not two couples.

I could gush about the Pynch and Gansey/Blue  (do they have a ship name?) for ages.

Anyways... I guess that's it.


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